Best Indoor Games for Newly Married Couples to cope with the ongoing home isolation

The world is going through a very challenging time combating the COVID-19 pandemic that is racking havoc all around. As has been asserted time and again by all that the only possible way and the best weapon to fight this enemy is social isolation and social distancing. Under such tough conditions, the only effective measure that can bring a positive change in the grim situation is locking us in our houses for our betterment. Different countries around the world have adopted the policy of complete lockdown to overcome the present circumstances. But, staying back home at a stretch for a longer period can itself be very challenging and even depressing at times.

For, a newly married couple, with probably all plans for an upcoming honeymoon on halt, for now, coping up with wilful home arrest is also going to be tough. Although this will be a golden opportunity for them to be able to spend more time in each other’s company, some kind of positive and fun-filled engagement is always a welcoming idea to keep them away from any unwanted depression and boredom. Here are some interesting indoor games that couples might love to compete in. This kind of activity will surely prove to be great pass times for newlyweds.

Best Indoor Games for Newly Married Couples - Puzzles

One of the most popular indoor game for all age groups, this is one of the simplest yet very engaging game for married couples to enjoy together. Best way to keep mind engaged and kill on time.

Best Indoor Games Newly Married Couples (1)

Best Indoor Games for Newly Married Couples - Monopoly

What better way to spend time behind locked doors then indulge in a brainstorming and overpowering game of monopoly. Just forget all worries and chill in each other romance filled company while enjoying this engaging game.

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Best Indoor Games for Newly Married Couples - Chess

Newly married couples can utilize this lockdown phase in testing each other’s mastery over the game of chess. The target is to spend quality time with each other in whichever suitable manner. And whoever is stronger can end up teaching the art of this brainy game to the naive player.

Best Indoor Games Newly Married Couples (3)

Best Indoor Games for Newly Married Couples - Carom Board

Another very interesting indoor game, newly married couples can pass time effectively over a few rounds of carom board games. Beating each other in this occupying game can be fun.

Best Indoor Games Newly Married Couples (4)

Best Indoor Games for Newly Married Couples - Playing Cards

One of the best ways of enjoying each other’s company on a lazy day for just a married couple is playing cards. With cards, the game can never be monotonous with so many different types of playing options.

Best Indoor Games Newly Married Couples (5)

There are several other types of indoor games like Jenga or simply video games that can be played as a team to pass time. The best thing about being newly married is that there is so much to know about each other. Amidst so much tension outside, couples can have the most romantic time with each other and indoor games like these will keep the love quotient high.


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