Ditch the Wedding Transportation and Lodging Blues

The initial thought of a wedding in the family brings back the memories of the sweet late hour conversations among cousins meeting after years! Those singing, humming and funny ‘thumkas’, fighting over the washroom and mirror, helping each other with perfecting the ties and dupattas, late night giggles, and the wonderful phone calls that follow for months to recall the fun at the wedding. Next, do you ever recall getting decked up like a royal king or queen and then been forced into one car, and reaching the wedding venue from the lodging for wedding in delhi either sitting on somebody’s laps or having someone sitting on your laps, spoiling the crease of your dress? Well, that’s not a new story. In India, this is as common as the rest of the wedding rituals. That’s why, we believe in taking small initiatives that not just make your guests comfortable, but also makes the entire wedding a hassle-free affair, where nobody waits for anyone.. and nobody is screwed up for delaying others! Wedding accommodation in delhi could have never been as stress-free and comfortable the way we make it, because everyone needs privacy, space and comfort. Apart from a comfortable wedding accommodation in Delhi, it is also important to hire the service provider of a wedding transportation in delhi to ensure that your guests are not lost on the way from their lodging place to the wedding venue.


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