Wedding Photographers in Delhi

The need for the wedding photography is on an upswing mode. It was only in the past that people would want to cut short their photography budget. Now, they do not really mind spending money on wedding photo albums, pre-wedding shoots as well as videos. Wedding photography now draws a big chunk of India’s already expanding weddings business. As a matter of fact it has become a status symbol to spend a lot of money on wedding photography. Statistics show that people spend almost double the amount of money now than what they were spending on wedding photography almost three years back. Wedding Photography in Delhi Professional photographers, who charge between INR 100,000- INR 300,000 per day, do not see any fall in client queries. They in fact find it tough to accommodate the orders ad bookings from their clients. It’s all about capturing the right mood. People now feel that wedding photography helps in building memories for a lifetime. This is the key reason why they leave no stone unturned to get the best photographer who can create an everlasting memoir. The big fat Indian wedding scene is touching dizzying heights with every passing day. Everyone wants to build larger than life images. For this reason there is an increase in willingness to spend huge sums of money on wedding photography.


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